Friday, October 8, 2010

"....and let patience have it's perfect work..."

Patience has been my motto lately. We had to put ourselves on a complete spending FREEZE for the past 20 days, for various unexpected reasons. We didn't even have money for bandaids!

So I've been just...waiting. Lots and lots and LOTS of ideas and chomping at the bit to get started with my home, but just concentrating on cleaning it more so that when I DO want to start painting, for example, it will be ready.

Yesterday we got paid and it looks like it's going to be another extremely tight month. We have more things demanding our money than we have money FOR, so even the small allowance we give ourselves each month, it looks like isn't going to happen.

After doing alot of research, though, it sounds like prep work is 75% of the work when it comes to painting. I have to first clean the area, which in itself takes quite a bit of time, soooooooo many fingerprints!!!! And then I have to spackle and repair the wall's many holes and little indents from various accidents through the years. THEN I have to use painter's tape and go over everything, oh that is also after removing the lightswitch covers, etc. THEN I get to do the priming of the walls. After that, I can paint.

So everything up to the priming is practically free, it's just my time. So I've been working on that.

But today I went to Sherwin Williams to browse and get pricing on some things - I have a 30% off all paint coupon that expires on Sunday. Waaaah! I don't think I'm going to be able to use it because ONE gallon of the good paint costs like $42! Ouch. With my 30% off coupon it would be just $29! That savings is hard to ignore....maybe I can squeeze it out of my grocery money? But then, the argument is that if I COULD squeeze it out of the groceries (and thus live on truly rice & beans, which I actually have a TON of, ROFL!) then theoretically that money should go for the new shoes my husband needs. Or the $180 copay for my dentist appointment.

I told myself that I am just going to be patient. I know I am going to do this - I feel like it is just time. My baby is getting older, I've never actually had a baby this old and not been pregnant (she's almost 15 months). In the meantime, I am looking at color swatches and borrowing books from the Library about how to paint, and doing a ton of research.


  1. oh dear the money issue must be contagious:):) Thats so us this month too:)!!

  2. Seriously, you are the QUEEN of new blogs. How do you do it? That book is called "A Woman of Moderation", by Dee Berestin. It is a Bible Study, but suggests an eating plan that includes fasting one day per week, 2 normal days, 2 half days and 2 liquid days. If you e-mail a mailing address, I can put one in the post for you. You can get my e-mail via Ruth Anne or Jen.
