Here’s the truth: You deserve the home of your dreams.
You do. I’m totally serious and I’m talking to you. No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.
Write this on a little index card: “I live in the house of my dreams.” and read that out loud every day, like ten times in a row. I don’t care if anyone thinks you're crazy, even you.
The important thing isn’t that you’re sane, it’s that you live in a rockin’ abode. This will get you there. You just can’t quit doing it. Eventually you’ll make it true even if it’s not even close today. I’m telling you the truth.
Soon, you will start to feel a little motivated. RUN with it. Start doing something to make it happen. Like now. Maybe even just a little paint to start with?
This really resounded with me because, well, it's how I live like, my entire life! I simply can't just tackle one big project over the weekend because 1)I have almost 8 children ages 12 & under, and 2) I'm humongously pregnant right now. I know THAT will change, but the busy-ness of life definitely won't.
NONTHELESS I love love love what he said, about how I DO already live in the house of my dreams!!! Meaning ---- that I can transform each room into something beautiful that I love, slooooooowly but surely.
I'm working on the master bedroom right now, and I have such a vision for it!!! It carries me through exhausted days when I just don't feel like I can do anything in there, being 7 months pregnant and all, yet I just want it to change and look how it does in my head! So I just give it 30 minutes, and if that's all, it will slowly but surely transform.
Looking forward to sharing before & afters with you!! =)